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It has arrived!  JLV’s famous ligature for clarinet or alt saxophon is from now on available at Feeling Musique. Click here to order!
jlv1This is ajean-luc-vignaud-65-ans-a-remporte-le-concours-lepine-avec-n incredible story… Jean-Luc Vignaud, a saxophonist, Feeling Musique’s loyal supporter, has been putting the finishing touch for years on an innovative accessory expected to bring a great help to all kind of clarinetists and saxophonists.
It is the prestigious jlv2innovation Award of the Concours Lépine which highlights this musician who never stops searching. Furthermore this invention has won the INPI Award (Award of the French National Institute of Industrial Property), what assures to JLV’s ligature a promising future worldwide.
This year there were 578 inventors hoping to get the highest recognition. So it is a pleasant surprise so see a wind instrument accessory highlighted.
Most of the time you must choose between a ligature which maintains perfectly the reed or another which ensures a total vibration of the reed. This compromise is ideally obtained with the JLV: the screw maintains the reed on the whole surface of the mouthpiece table and its support permit to get an ideal balance, without pressing strongly, without crushing the fibers. The reed vibrates on it whole length, the sonority is more beautiful, to get some roundness is easier.
jlvLigatureJLV‘s ligature is on sale from now on. Of course, Feeling Musique is in a frontline and presents it to you with our team’s competence. Alto saxophone and clarinet models are the first  available. The other models for soprano, tenor saxophone and bass clarinet will soon follow.






















Vignaud.LigatureJean-Luc Vignaud presents the prototype


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